Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 25

Hayley(Top Left): Lily loves to have her face painted. She even started pretending to be a face painter at home and we all have to endure her spit brush on our faces!

Melissa(Top Right): This flower display is actually painted on a chair, it is from a tiny village in Turkey and was hand-painted. 

Aubrey(Bottom Left): Just a little peek at my husbands art! Notice the roses :)

Lily(Bottom Right): I think he has a beard!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 24

Hayley(Top Left): This is a cute little basket of flowers I saw at my office job.

Melissa(Top Right): Did you know that you can change the color of this flower, the hydrangea by adding either aluminum or acid to the soil which will change the color to purple or deep blue........ I have a large box of aluminium I use on mine:)

Aubrey(Bottom Left): This is the art on my front door. It's still a work in progress!

Lily(Bottom Right): "huaff" drop monster!

Day 23

Hayley(Top Left): Life is Good!
Melissa(Top Right): This flower is traditional used for funeral arrangements, but they come in a large variety of colors. They are thick and full.....simply beauty

Aubrey(Bottom Left): New runner in my foyer entrance! I love it :)

Lily(Bottom Right): Missing in Non-Action!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 22

Hayley(Top Left): Love these pastel tulips that were used as a center piece.

Melissa(Top Right): Kentucky Lily- One of the "tango series", this soft orange flower is decked with dense patch of dark purples speckles, for a very exotic look. Large-flowered and fragrant. Very showy and bold in the garden! Asiatic and Easter lily hybrid. Can't wait to see these bulbs bloom!

Aubrey(Bottom Left): And we have 6 sprouts! It's hard to see but my friend assures me her valentines flower has begun to grow!

Lily(Bottom Right): To be determined......

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 21

Hayley(Top Left): This is the largest violet I have ever seen and it continues to bloom. It sits int he office of the Executive Director of Community Action. I work there part time as an office assistant.

Melissa(Top Right): Abutllion Red Tiger- My fabulous find at this years home and garden show!

Aubrey(Bottom Left): I started sketching in class one day and my friend requested I draw our professor's face in the center or a flower. This is what I came up with instead! I try...ha ha!

Lily(Bottom Right): "Eyeball-Eyeball" She wants to go to school. (Kids these days have no patients, for using up a new package of googly eyes or growing up!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 20

Hayley(Top Left): Did some classy tattooing with the girls! Face tattoo? I see what I am going to be in for when she hits her teens!

Melissa(Top Right): Seattle's famous market, so many BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS!

Aubrey(Bottom Left): This is the design on my Barnes & Noble reusable tote bag. I love it, and B&N!

Lily(Bottom Right): "Crow Bird Crow" He went on a walk and coughed up a crow! (Sweet Lily has a stomach virus too. She told me, "I am just not having a very good day." Poor thing. Feel Better Lily)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 19

Hayley(Top Left): I had to do a couple of things in my preschool classroom today. The kids don't have school of Fridays so I brought my two little girls with me to play while I worked. As we were leaving we noticed the bushes were blooming!

Melissa(Top Right): Ashton with his "flower" shorts, we were camping and on a hike!

Aubrey(Bottom Left): This is the official insignia of the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Branch. This is what my Army husband is branched  The official description: "On a dagger point, a heralding sun all in gold charged with an oriental blue rose. The sun, composed of four straight and four way alternating rays, is the symbol of Helios. The four straight rays of the sun symbol also allude to the four points if the compass and the worldwide mission of the military intelligence branch. The partially concealed, unsheathed dagger alludes to the aggressive and protective requirements and the element of physical danger inherent in the Intelligence mission. The placement of the sun symbol beneath the oriental blue rose ( an ancient symbol of secrecy) refers to the operations and activities of the Branch being conducted in secret and under circumstances forbidding disclosure. The color gold signifies successful accomplishment. "

Lily(Bottom Right): "Finally, Were are you going?" He is getting sucked down a volcano. He has small eyes and he can't see. He is doing this......(Lily squinted and scrunched up her face).

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 18

Hayley(Top Left): Here is another beautiful purple orchid. This poor guy is left over from Valentines at Freddy's, so if anyone would like to give this guy a home please go to the store and buy him! 

Melissa(Top Right): This is witch hazel in my yard, it only blooms now and will soon will up with green leaves and in the fall they will urn to the color the blossoms are now. it it nice to have some color during these rainy days.

Aubrey(Bottom Left): This illustration is by one of my favorite childhood authors: Roald Dahl. This particular picture is from the story Esio Trot, about a man desperately in love with the woman who lives below him. He is painfully shy though. The lady who lives below him loves her pet tortoise but while feeding him one day she laments to her upstairs neighbor Mr. Hoppy she wishes her pet would grow. Mr. Hoppy devises a genius plan to win his lady love and has her read some magic Words to her pet to make him grow. While she is at work he chooses a larger tortoise from the 100+ he has purchased from the pet store and places it on her balcony in place of the previous one. By the end of the story the woman, Mrs. Silver is so tickled she invites Mr. Hoppy down to her apartment, he is so taken aback by her smile he purposes to her right away! And that is that, they love happily ever after and the original tortoise finds a new home with a little girl named Roberta.

Lily(Bottom Right): "John" He's a boy because he has a beard. He is wiggling his arm around and doing tricks. (juggling, perhaps)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 17

Hayley(Top Left): This is a little cross stitch I whipped up. Thought I better start small!

Melissa(Top Right): A version of "Hens and Chickens" It doesn't bloom but is pretty just the same.

Aubrey(Bottom Left): Lovely cupcakes at the local commissary. They looked very delicious, however I did not purchase them. I settled for a picture instead!

Lily(Bottom Right): "Deer Hear-Where are you going?" He is smoking and he is going to get in trouble and locked up. (Oh, my! And he looked like such a nice boy........)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 16

Hayley (Top Left): Everyone needs a loungin' round jacket. Mine is covered in flowers!

Melissa (Top Right): My bird bath that looks like a morning glory, i hope it makes the birds smile when they stop over for a visit

Aubrey (Bottom Left): I call this my "3-leaf clover" trick. When I was in 4th grade I saw this kid on Nickelodeon do this trick for a segment about kids with special talents. I was determined to learn to do it as well. I already knew how to roll my tongue and fold it like a "hot dog bun" which is genetic, so if your parents can do it, chances are, you can too! I practiced in the mirror for a while, and it came pretty natural, I have no idea how I "taught" myself to do this, but I did. And now I save it for when I really need to impress someone! HA HA!

Lily (Bottom Right): "Butterfly Fairy" She's getting ready for work. She is crying because her sister can't come with her. She has a gold tear and she is putting on her make-up. (I am glad to hear that the monster race is hard working one, but said that it is at the cost of their family time)

Day 15

Hayley (Top Left): These are mini matchbook style notebooks. I plan on using them in a Flying Frog Apparel marketing/ activity kit. 

Melissa (Top Right): The first thing that has bloomed in my yard!

Aubrey (Bottom Left): This tattoo represents a lot to me. Besides being a tattoo fan and sharing the passion with my husband, I've adopted this art on my shoulder as a coming of age piece, an original work by Ken at Firehouse Ink in Valdosta, GA tattooed in 2008 shortly after my wedding. The anchor represents staying true to who you are. Below the anchor is a banner (you can't see it in the picture) saying "Hold Fast" simply is an ode to the old sailor traditions and a reminder that you should always keep true to yourself and remember where your home is, regardless of where you're at in life. The ship's wheel behind the anchor is the same ship wheel my husband has tattooed on his elbow-so that we can guide each other through life, always steering for the future and make sure we accomplish what we want out of life. The roses represent love of course! They remind me to be passionate about the things I love in life, and to always listen to my heart. 

Lily (Bottom Right): "Glue Stick" He is going to work with the pop. Pop is the new flower.

Day 14

Hayley (Top Left): Here is my attempt at a flower cookie. Granted I was trying to prevent two little, over excited, girls from getting gooey icing all over my kitchen and sprinkles all over the floor, but at least it tasted good!

Melissa (Top Right): At the same pet store and saw this guppy, I know it might be a stretch for some of you, but the tail reminded me of a poppy!

Aubrey (Bottom Left): I bought these flowers for my 3 girlfriends from college. So far one has planted it, so let's hope they can keep it growing!

Lily (Bottom Right): "Fike" She is trying to ride her horse but she fell off and now she is bleeding from her hand.

Day 13

Hayley (Top Left): This is my traveling sewing basket. I take in the car with me when I know I am going to be some where that involves a lot of waiting, like the doctors office!

Melissa (Top Right): I was in the pet store and I saw this snake which reminded me of an orchid:)

Aubrey (Bottom Left): A little note I received from someone special, my one and only momma!

Lily (Bottom Right): "Cardy-Pants" She's doing nothing, just some homework. (Maybe she should take a break, she looks pretty strung out!)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 12

Hayley (Top Left): This wonderful handmade bag was made buy a local Portland artist. It is reversible and has a solid leather interior. Thanks mom!

Melissa (Top Right): I spotted this several times before learning what it was, I used to take daily walks with my granddaughters and we would always pass this and stop to smell it. One day I decided I wanted some of it, and started taking small pieces. We passed by there so many times that we became friends with the cat, cinnamon that lived there, while the girls were visiting the cat  I would take more pieces of the plant. I planted them in my back yard late in the season, this year I hope they come back. (p.s. I have been known to "take" just a small piece of things i like and try to grow them in my yard!)

Aubrey (Bottom Left): Saw this picture and had to capture it myself. It says so much with so little. Reminds me of rainy spring mornings that clear up and reveal a beautiful afternoon. Not sure what kind of flower this is, though I'm sure it's fairly common. It reminds me of my favorite hydrangeas!

Lily (Bottom Right): "Miss Coco butter" She is going to a party. She needs her friends to go to the party and she is looking at her magazine to rest. (FYI: the smaller circle is her brain, smart lady. She must get it from reading InStyle. On the cover: Sexy Now with Drew Barrymore!)

Day 11

Hayley (Top Left): I wear flowers on my feet!

Melissa (Top Right): The beauty of flowers are carried through in many different ways, this lamp was in a bathroom of the hotel I stayed in while visiting Seattle.

Aubrey (Bottom Left): This is a picture of my note cards. I like to send them out to friends and family just to say hello or for a nice pick me up. It's such a tried and true quote.

Lily (Bottom Right): "Noonle-Peel" He wants to go to the sheep house. He needs to go to their birthday. He cut his mustache because it was too long and he wants to look good for the party. (Those sheep must be hard to impress!)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 10

Hayley (Top Left): This is my daughters night light!

Melissa (Top Right): Even the dead of winter, you find beauty, these are cherry blossom buds.

Aubrey (Bottom Left): This is an orchid picture I found. I love the natural beauty of orchids. I love that they are so unusual and colorful!

Lily (Bottom Right): "Orange Peel" He went to work and bite some one ( Been there!) and his hair is all crazy because he forgot to brush it (Done that!) and I don't know why he climbed up the wall like that?! (Does anybody really know why we do the things we do?!)

Day 9

Hayley (Top Left): Sharing at its best! Finally a solution to the nightly dilemma of who is going to get to wear the flower-power pants to bed!

Melissa (Top Right): I spotted this in Seattle and it smelled so sweet, still don't know for sure what it is!

Lily (Bottom Left): This monster was painted on a brown paper bag from the grocery store. we recycle our bags into trash bags. Now we have decorated trash bags!

Aubrey (Bottom Right): Hate to admit this but, I drew this specialty in my social studies for early childhood class. The professor mentioned something about children being more cultured, and this little doodle just started to happen.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 8

Hayley (Top Left): I was waiting for some pictures to be printed at Fred Meyers and I was browsing the floral department, which is over stocked for Valentines day. They have the most beautiful orchids. This is one is an Oncidium Orchid!

Melissa (Top Right): This is the Columbine which is Oregon State flower, it blooms starting in the spring around April through late October. Currently I have 4 different colors and they are about 2 inches all!

Aubrey (Bottom Left): These balconies are located in downtown Paris, I remember looking up from the busy streets and seeing these beautiful boxes of red flowers nestled on the balconies. Rows and rows of them. And just like my mom always says, there is beauty everywhere, you just have to take a second to stop and realize it!

Lily (Bottom Right): "Kill-Gun" He is a man monster because he has a "moo-stache" and three different eyes, but one is a girl eye. Just to clarify, you can only be called a "man" if you have a mustache, otherwise you are a boy, and you are only old once you start using a walking stick!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 7

Hayley (Top Left): Now this is more my speed! These are fun to make because you burn the edges to prevent fraying and curl the petals. I turned these two into hair pins.

Melissa (Top Right): This is one of the first things that bloomed in my yard a year ago, I cut it back this winter and mover it to a more sunny location, I will post a pic when it blooms again!

Aubrey (Bottom Left): This is where my first love of hydrangeas happened. As I was strolling the streets of Italy, I came across this barrel overflowing with flowers. I fell in love with the beauty of this plant. It is my favorite flower by far.

Lily (Bottom Right): This is by far the nastiest monster to date! He has black teeth because he does not brush them. He has boogers coming out of his nose and he hasn't cleaned his ears in so long the wax is dripping out and creating earrings. eewww! 

P.S. I fixed the setting so now anyone is free to leave a comment, Thanks to all our followers!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 6

Hayley (Top Left): Here are some origami flowers I have been working on. Folding tiny pieces of paper a million times is harder and more time consuming the I thought! Stay tuned for the finished project!

Melissa (Top Right): I love flowers for their natural beauty. I don't like when they are "enhanced" they don't need it!

Aubrey (Bottom Left): Colored pencils and promise. Guess I couldn't get that passion flower in turkey out of my head!

Lily (Bottom Right"I Love Peacocks!" She is going to the pet shop.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5

Hayley (Top Left): A tribute to my new step-brother! This statue is in the garden at the hospital where he was born today! I passed it many times pacing back and forth waiting for him to arrive! Happy Birthday Jackson!

Melissa (Top Right): You can use anything to help flowers show themselves off!

Aubrey (Bottom Left): Not sure why this picture struck my interest, but it did. Maybe it's the simplicity and the originality of the planters and the types of plants. I love that they are sitting in front of the window, and I think the golden bird statue is a nice touch.

Lily (Bottom Right): "Deer" He is playing is flute. He is going to the princess. (to woo her with his melody?!)

Day 4

Hayley (Top Left): I pass this yard art on my way to work everyday! Now that I am on the look out for flowers I see them every where! 

Aubrey (Top Right): I call this beauty: officeus supplieus. I found this rubber band species hidden in a dark corner of the store I work at. It was droopy and a little dirty, so I picked it and placed it in a clean bright area for all to see. I hope it brightens your boring work day like it did for mine.

Lily (Bottom Left): "I Love Earrings" She's going to work but her kid doesn't want her to go. So um... She lost her earring and she got some new ones. She's 5 years old. (Where does she work?-Hayley) The city!

Melissa (Bottom Right): Another example of permanent beauty, I plan on making some "permanent" flowers for a new walkway I'm am building in my backyard this summer! I have been collecting different rocks, shells and have some sea glass to add texture to mine :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sorry for the delay...

I want to apologize for the delay in our 365 posts! We have been awaiting the birth of our step-brother for 2 days in the hospital and have been unable to post our day 4 and 5 posts! Don't worry little Jackson arrived at 3:13 pm yesterday at a healthy 7.15 lbs so we should be up and running shorty!

Thanks for your patience while we catch up!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 3

Hayley (Top Left): I call this one "Calm before the storm" or " Little cup of magic!" I love a warm cup of Joe in the.....any time!

Aubrey (Top Right): I've always loved orchids. I remember buying one for my mother from a mothers day I think, back in middle school. I have always been fascinated by how intricate they are. And how long they seem to last. They almost always look so perfect they could be fake. I really love the way the mirror is hung on the wall, and how it seems to maximize the amount of orchids in the room by reflection alone.

Melissa (Bottom Right): Flowers come in all different sizes and shapes, and this one is a permanent reminder of how wonderful they are!

Lily (Bottom Left): "Eyeball-Eyeball" He's angry because he didn't get to go to the party and he can't run fast! Two good reasons for anyone to get angry, I'd say!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2

Melissa (Top Left): Some flowers are breath-taking, some are not. Today's picture is another one of those, "Oh my goodness, what in the world is this" it stopped me dead in my tracks, I just stood there looking at this amazing specimen of a flower. It took me quite awhile to find the name of it. I had to have it, fortunately for me I was able to pick this one while no one was living in the house where it was growing, I left the bulb so hopefully the next house owner will be as excited as I was when it next bloomed! 

Hayley (Top Right): I do plan on making most of my flowers, but I saw this photo op at the park and couldn't pass it up. We had a patch of nice weather and it has tricked a lot of the local plants into thinking spring is here. This little bush is smaller then a soccer ball and was buzzing with bees. I got down on the ground and quickly snapped this shot of the bee collecting nectar.

Lily (Bottom Left): Curly-Q! "She is trying to go to school and she wants to go to class and her sister doesn't want her to stay home either!" Lets hope for curly's sake, she makes it to class.  I would hate for her to waste a good hair day!

Aubrey (Bottom Right): This photo is of a  new flower I haven't seen before. I came across is while reading my Better Homes and Gardens magazine. It is a Hellebores. Apparently these flowers are pretty sturdy, and very colorful. Sounds like my mom :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 1

Hayley (top left): I've been wanting a new ring and like the wire wrapped jewelry I have been seeing a lot of lately. I created this copper wire wrapped ring after about three attempts. It was surprisingly easy, although on my 5th attempt I flopped! I made a couple of mini ones for my girls too! I love the simplicity of it. I will wear it everyday to remind me of the journey!

Melissa (top right): I chose this picture because it represents two people beginning a new life full of adventure. I moved to Oregon without knowing anything when I came, but taking a leap of faith that it would all work out. It has and then some, using the power of the secret is making all my dreams come true!

Aubrey (bottom left): This photo reminds me of passion flowers. passion flowers hold a really special place in my heart, because they are one of the many memories I have of mom. We would take walks around the city in Turkey, and just a street over there was a building that had a gate on the outside of it. There were vines entwined all around it, and buds that had not bloomed yet. Mom was beside herself, because she had no idea what type of flower it could be. We walked by every week, waiting for the bud to open. Finally one day it did, and it looked just like the purple one I attached. Once is bloomed, we could not figure out what kind of flower it was. It was still a mystery. I think it took a few years to figure it out. Once we left Turkey we forgot about the mystery flower until I came across a picture of one we had taken, I searched for it and finally figured it out! Since then its always been a great memory for me and a flower I'll never forget.

Lily (bottom rightt): "I Love My Kid" is the title of this monster! Lily tells me he is bleeding because he was driving his car too fast and then he was walking on the sidewalk and tripped and fell and started to bleed. Poor guy, let's hope he was rushing to the kid he loved so much and not away from him!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

An introduction......

This is the story of three generations of women starting on a creative path to change themselves and their lives. They have dedicated themselves to creating one piece of art a day for 365 days in hopes of finding beauty in everyday life and conquering their fears of the unknown! The quest is simple everyday the three women will find or create one flower and the child will find or create one monster. To find out who we are and why we are doing this head over to the about us page to read more. Let the journey begin....